Data cache Odoo Version 12.0

Information about the Data cache instance of Odoo, the Open Source ERP.

Installed Applications

Enterprise website builder
Manage your stock and logistics activities
Invoices & Payments
POS Close Session
Close session in Point of Sale screen
POS Walkin Customer
Walkin Customer
From quotations to invoices
Point of Sale
Tablet POS: shops and restaurants
Sell your products online
Field Time
Build your own dashboards
Centralize your address book
Chat, mail gateway and private channels
MIS Builder
Build 'Management Information System' Reports and Dashboards
Odoo12 Financial Reports in PDF
This module helps to generate Financial reports Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss, Trial Balance, General Ledger, Partner Ledger and Aged Partner Balance in PDF format
Bank Reconciliation Report
Financial Report configuration
This module helps to view Financial reports configuration screen.
Financial Report Pivot
Pivot view for Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet Report
Live Stream
This module shows livestreaming videos. And updated the result.
Skit POS Reservation
POS Reservation
Skit POS Restaurant
POS Restaurant
Skit POS Wet Market
Display the checkout order in supplier view
Website for Wet Market
Srikesh Infotech Website Design
Website Live Chat
Chat with your website visitors
Skit Website Popup
Skit Website Popup
Publish events, sell tickets
Live Chat
Chat with your website visitors